Log into MyWCC Today!

Here’s why you need to do this!  It’s almost time to register for Winter ’18 quarter. Check your registration access time by logging into MyWCC. Registration for currently enrolled students begins November 9th, November 20th for new/former students, and November 27th for anyone interested in attending. You can register anytime beyond your registration time, but it’s a good idea to do so as soon as possible  as classes can fill up fast. Now is an excellent time to schedule an appointment with an advisor in Entry & Advising to discuss class selections, update your Starfish degree plan, or talk about your academic/career pathway.  Advisors are standing by!


WWU Fall Business Career Fair

The annual WWU Fall Business Career Fair will take place Thursday, November 2nd from 1:00-5:00 pm in the Viking Union Multipurpose Room.  It is free and open to the public.  There are over 40 local and regional companies attending, so it’s an excellent time to connect directly with employers, explore internship and employment opportunities, and research business careers.  Attendees are encouraged to dress in appropriate business attire and bring lots of resumes.  Visit the WWU Career Services Center for more info including a list of participating employees and tips for job fair success.

Mythbusters- The Financial Aid Edition Part II

I hope you enjoyed Part I of this special Mythbusters- Financial Aid Edition posting. Now you can continue to test your knowledge by completing part II of the true/false quiz. Be aware that now is the time to apply for financial aid for the 2018-17 school year and applications are still being accepted for the current school year. Visit the Financial Aid webpage for more information or stop by their office in LDC 135. And now, here’s the rest of the quiz.
True or False?
1. Financial aid awards vary in amount from individual to individual.
2. You should make use of financial aid money any way you like.
3. The Pell grant award can’t go on forever.
4. My financial aid award at WCC won’t follow me after I transfer.

Continue reading

Mythbusters- The Financial Aid Edition, Part I

There’s a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about financial aid so in this post, we’re going to bust the most common myths.  Now is the time to apply for financial aid for the 2018-19 school year but applications for the current school year are still being accepted.  Test your financial aid knowledge by completing the true/false quiz.  Scroll down for the answers.  Look for Part II of Mythbusters- The Financial Aid Edition next week.

True or False? 

  1. You must be a full-time student to receive financial aid.
  2. You need to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  3. Late applications will still be accepted.
  4. Once your FAFSA’s filled out, you’re done.
  5. You can’t fill out the FAFSA if you haven’t completed your most recent tax return.

Click here for answers!

Developing Your Future with Jessica Larson

Developing Your Future - finalThis blog post is courtesy of Jessica Larson, Transfer Advisor in LDC 116.

Your time at WCC will probably come with some big questions to answer including: What do I want to study? Do I want to transfer to a university? What kind of career is a good fit for me? If you’d like some help working through those questions we encourage you to attend our fall quarter Developing Your Future, career & academic workshop series! Come learn what it would be like to study a variety of disciplines including biology, engineering, business, and the social sciences. If you’re still deciding what you’d like to study, we have a session for that too! These interactive workshops last about 90 minutes and give you the opportunity to meet faculty, learn about university transfer options and related careers. After attending the workshop you’ll receive an email with a list of customized next steps to help keep you moving forward. Attend one, a few or all six. We’ll save a seat for you.
Workshop Schedule
October 23rd
English/Communication, 11am in LDC 121
Social Sciences, 1pm in HNR 108

October 24th
Engineering,11am in LDC 121
Exploring Majors & Careers, 1pm in LDC 211

October 25th
Biology/Chemistry, 1pm in LDC 121

October 26th
Business, 4pm in LDC 211

Save your seat and RSVP: www.whatcom.edu/DevelopingFutures

University Reps Are Coming!

Mark your calendars because several university reps will be visiting WCC in the next few weeks.  All will be located in the Syre Student Center Foyer.  Included are:

Hawaii Pacific University, October 11th from 11:30am-1:30 pm.

Central Washington University Information Technology Management on October 16th from 10am-1pm.

WSU/Everett on October 18th from 10am-2pm

Farleigh Dickinson University (Vancouver BC) on October 31st from 10am-1pm.



When are you graduating? It’s a question heard a lot around campus and an important one at that. The graduation application process is now done on-line through the Admissions and Registration website page. Be sure to apply the quarter prior to the quarter you plan to graduate. An easy way to remember this is to simply apply for graduation at the same time you register for classes. Apply early so that you can be sure that you are on track to complete all of your degree or certificate requirements before your final quarter begins. Not sure when you’re graduating? Make an appointment with an advisor in Entry and Advising for a degree or certificate check.
For those of you graduating this winter quarter, submit your graduation application by Friday, October 6th. Of course, if you miss the quarterly deadline, you can still apply. You just may not receive your evaluation in time to make any necessary changes to your final quarter schedule if necessary.
Congratulations to all the Fall and Winter quarter graduates!

graudation photo

40% Refund Deadline Approaching

Heads-up! The Fall quarter 40% refund deadline is near! You must withdraw from your class by Friday, October 6th in order to receive 40% of your tuition back. For WAOL online classes, you must withdraw by Tuesday, October 10th.


Call Entry & Advising at 360.383.3080 or stop by LDC 116 to schedule an appointment with an advisor, as withdrawing may impact your financial aid and your academic plan.

Saturday Advising Available

Some questions just can’t wait!  If you need some academic and/or career advising outside of Entry & Advising’s normal business hours, you’ll find an advisor in the Heiner Center library from 12-4pm on Saturdays.  Sign in at computer near the Circulation desk and then head on back to room 201E where an advisor will be more than happy to assist you with your advising needs.  NOTE:  There will be no Saturday advising on November 25th during the Thanksgiving holiday.  We look forward to seeing you!

keep calm and see your academic advisor